It's the Digital Renaissance.

Every online creator I know is interested in...



Nobody is building in the creator economy because they want to stay broke! NO! All of us want to make CRAZY amounts of money leveraging our skills and interests. Ideally, our products and services are so valuable we can charge high-ticket prices to implement solutions for your clients.


Client Acquisition

Hand-picking your ideal prospects is not an easy task. It's time-consuming and, at times, it can be tedious. But with specific acquisition methodologies and the right email/DM strategies, there’s no reason why you can’t have a client roster full of people you love working with.


Reclaiming Focus

In the age of digital distraction, it’s easier than ever before to get sidetracked by notifications. As creators, we need to build daily habits that help us block out the noise. That includes limiting time on social feeds, taking breaks from screens, reading analog books, and enjoying more nature.

This is CreatorFocus™ — a weekly digital publication designed to help digital entrepreneurs withstand the turbulence of the creator journey.

Being a creator is NOT for the weak!

If you're a digital creator, I know for a fact you struggle with...


When you’re working hard toward achieving goals, it can be easy to slip into the “hustle culture” mentality, which inevitably results in creator burnout. Using systems and automations, us creators can find new and innovative ways to avoid burnout.


Most of us know the actions we need to take to move the needle… and yet, day after day, we have this tendency to put off the things we know need to get done so we can get the results we’re after. It's time to STOP putting off your most important tasks and projects.

Shiny Object Syndrome

There are shiny objects all around us — social platforms, SaaS products, and other temptations — that are vying for our attention. As creators, we need to understand this simple reality: The shiniest objects are the ones we polish on a daily basis!

Check this out...

I wrote you a letter. :)

Hello friend!Thank for for taking the time to check out my newsletter — it really means a lot to me!My name is Neil Kollipara and I'm a digital entrepreneur.I work a 9-5 (like many other creators) and on the side I'm building my email copywriting business.I have to admit... building an online business at the same time as working a day-job is not easy.On top of my entrepreneurial efforts, I've also got a wife, two kids, a gym regimen, and many other responsibilities.All this is to say... if I can juggle all of this, so can you.I started this newsletter because I wanted to share some of the behind-the-scenes that goes on with building a personal brand and online business alongside a 9-5 and many other responsibilities.You see... all of us want to build a sustainable and profitable online business (yes, I'm looking at you).But when everything around us is vying for our attention...When burnout, procrastination, and creative blocks are all knocking at your door...You need a comprehensive strategy that'll help you get through the challenging moments.If you're anything like me, those challenging moments appear every single day!Did something on this page resonate with you? Yes?Then click here to opt-in to my newsletter!See you on the inside!—Neil

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